Rejuvenating the skin of the neck and décolleté

neck and décolleté how to rejuvenate

The neck and décolleté are delicate areas where the first signs of aging are most noticeable. Today, there are many non-surgical methods of skin rejuvenation: from hardware to injection. All modern cosmetic methods are absolutely safe, non-traumatic and do not require long-term rehabilitation.

Biorevitalization of the neck and décolleté

The procedure consists of the injection of special cosmetic products based on hyaluronic acid. It also contains various combinations of vitamins and minerals. Biorevitalization effectively hydrates the skin of the neck and décolleté, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, delays aging and improves skin tone. It is most effective in preventing premature skin aging. The course procedure, depending on the drug, the average course is 2 to 4 procedures.

Contour correction with fills

Inserting fillers into the skin folds allows you to permanently get rid of wrinkles and "Venus rings" in the neck area. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of the fillers, in addition to having a rejuvenating effect, improves the quality of the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it from the inside. The skin becomes denser and more elastic, the micro-relief is evened out. The effect of a procedure, depending on the drug, lasts from 6 to 12 months.

Neck rejuvenation with Botox

Botox is the most popular neck rejuvenation method. By reducing the muscle activity of the platysma, Botox smoothes wrinkles and eliminates cords. A well-executed procedure ensures the preservation of usual facial expressions and sensitivity, as well as the total absence of discomfort. The effect of the procedure appears in 10-14 days and lasts for 4-6 months.

Reinforced neck and neckline with mesothreads

Reinforcement with mesothreads in the neck and décolleté area effectively deals with problems such as sagging skin and wrinkles. Mesoth threads are a special system of guide needle and mesothread threads made of surgical suture material. The procedure has a pronounced lifting effect for 4-6 months. Over time, the strands are completely absorbed, decaying into carbon dioxide and water, leaving a strong collagen skeleton, formed naturally during the "work" of the meso strand.

Neck and neck lift with Aptos yarns

The most effective and lasting effect is the procedure for lifting the neck threads with Aptos threads. Unique yarns with multi-directional cuts are securely attached to fabrics, providing secure hold and a high quality tension effect. The L-lactic acid included in the composition has an additional anti-aging effect, increases tissue stiffness and elasticity. The procedure does not deform tissues and does not affect usual facial expressions. Depending on the type of yarn, the effect lasts for a period of 1, 5 to 5 years. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, the rehabilitation period can be up to 5 to 14 days. The final effect can be assessed after 3-4 weeks.